Welcome to RJR Legal
At RJR Legal we are dedicated to protecting you, your assets and your family by creating bespoke solutions, based on your individual situation. On forming in 2015, RJR Legal initially focussed on aiding people write their Wills.
Since then, we have grown considerably and become even more passionate about protecting your assets while you are alive and after your death. We have expertise in Lifetime Trusts, Wills and Estate Administration as well as Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) and Court of Protection.
RJR want you to feel as comfortable as possible throughout the process and now have offices in South and North Manchester. Our hard-working team of legal advisors can also travel to your home to talk you through our services.
Areas We Cover
Our Vision
RJR Legal is the vision of our founder and creator Rebecca Roscoe.
After working in private practice for over 15 years and being a partner in a city centre law firm, Rebecca decided that she wanted to practice her way and how she knew best and so RJR Legal was created.
RJR legal is not founded on targets or chargeable hours but on excellent service at a fixed and a fair cost to my clients. We are able to make our clients’ lives easier by providing a service when and where they want it. This often means that we are available at evenings and weekends.
We are very proud that many of our clients see us as trusted advisors and friends as well as their solicitor and we are always happy to discuss your particular situation without any cost.
We are always available to chat to you to discuss any queries so please get in touch with the team today and let us help you leave a legacy.
Our Team
Tel: 0161 504 2102
Solicitor, TEP
Rebecca is the founder of RJR Legal.
After working in private practice for over 18 years and being a partner in a city centre law firm I decided that I wanted to practice my way and how I knew best.
In addition to my private practice I also lecture for Central Law Training which keeps me up to date with recent practice changes.
My profile can be found by clicking here.
I also provide support to LexisPSL which provides guidance to other lawyers. You can find more information here.
Tel: 01502 452 373
Solicitor for the Elderly
Stuart trained in Swansea with the solicitor who was trustee of the estate of Dylan Thomas and, after qualifying, join a small market town practice where he was made partner, handling wills and probate work amongst others.
He set up and ran his own law practice for a while but then took up an opportunity to study for a full-time MBA and from there moved into the corporate world. He held numerous senior commercial management positions with the likes of BAE Systems, TPI (a US-based management consultancy), ING Bank in Amsterdam and the IT-service providers Atos (serving both in Munich and the UK) and HP Enterprise.
Stuart returned to private practice to specialise in wills and probate work and having brought his skills up-to-date, he earnt full accreditation with Solicitors for the Elderly.
Suite 341, 3rd Floor Broadstone Mill, Stockport, SK5 7DL
Email: clients@rjrlegal.co.uk
Tel: 0161 504 2101
General enquiries, please fill in the following contact form: